Currently, the AI decision making outcome is yet a “Black Box”. Aiming to ensure safe and reliable decision support to the Air Traffic Controllers, the ARTIMATION project is developing algorithms with different visualisation techniques that can provide a transparent and explainable AI model through data-driven storytelling and immersive analytics.

In the first year of project activity, the Consortium successfully defined the State of the Art of AI support in ATM and the development plan based on ATM tasks with supporting AI. After the success of the T3.2 workshop hosted at the end of the first half-year of project activities, the second part of the year started obtaining a prioritised list of Air Traffic Controllers tasks to be helped by AI algorithms. Then, in the T3.3 Workshop, the ARTIMATION project defined the roadmap to develop two different supporting tools for delay prediction and propagation, as well as conflict detection and resolution. In December, the 2nd General Assembly meeting was hosted by Sapienza University to help the consortium defines some crucial actions to validate the two tools.

More recently, the ARTIMATION project met the Project Officer and other representatives from SESAR Joint Undertaking at the Intermediate Review Meeting. During the Intermediate Review Meeting, the Consortium received useful insights to better assess the validation of the two tools. These insights are being implemented in the latest version of the Validation Plan, which will soon be available on our website.

Do not forget to follow the ARTIMATION project on LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube for any future update. Stay tuned!