Measuring Acceptance and Human Performance in ARTIMATION

Mindtooth to assess acceptance and human performance

The ARTIMATION project aims to provide Explainability to Artificial Intelligence outcomes through transparent AI models and novel visualisation techniques, following a user-centred approach. The project will validate two different use cases: a Conflict Detection & Resolution decision support, which will provide transparency with a novel interface based on intuitive heat maps and decision-based storytelling, and […]

ARTIMATION’S one year update

Currently, the AI decision making outcome is yet a “Black Box”. Aiming to ensure safe and reliable decision support to the Air Traffic Controllers, the ARTIMATION project is developing algorithms with different visualisation techniques that can provide a transparent and explainable AI model through data-driven storytelling and immersive analytics. In the first year of project […]

ARTIMATION’s workshop – Definition of the Roadmap

During these past months, the ARTIMATION Project has been developing the XAI algorithms to support the ATCOs’ tasks that, according to workshop for task T3.2 – Prioritisation Workshop, would need more the help of XAI: AI optimises utilisation capacity and AI issues instructions. Two different tools will result from this task: a Conflict Detection and Resolution tool […]