On June 9th, ARTIMATION held its 3rd General Assembly meeting. The meeting was held in a hybrid modality: members from the whole Consortium were able to attend the meeting in presence at Mälardalens University, in Västerås, while members from the Advisory Board joined the event remotely. The Consortium discussed the validation activities that will follow in the next months, detailing the experimental design, the algorithms and the interfaces that will be used in July in ENAC – Toulouse.
The meeting started with Sapienza University representative – Pietro Aricò – introducing the tool that will be used during the validation activities for the Conflict Detection and Resolution tool. An innovative wearable EEG helmet with a high-quality signal and data stream will allow the project to record and analyse the main human performance neurometrics indicators, such as Air Traffic Controllers’ stress and workload, through a passive Brain-Computer Interface.

Later, both ENAC and MDU presented the algorithms and interfaces developed for the tools of Conflict Detection and Resolution and Delay Prediction and Propagation. Shaibal Barua, Mir Riyanul Islam and Waleed Jmona showed the development of the algorithms for the Delay Prediction and Propagation use case, with a focus on the catastrophic forgetting and how to overcome it to achieve a lifelong machine learning. The last feedback from the Advisory Board workshop allowed us to train the AI with the last human-centric features to be applied to the most-explainable algorithm within the 4 to be tested during the validation activities.
Christophe Hurter, with Augustin Degas (ENAC) detailed then the Genetic Algorithm used to develop the scenarios to be tested for the Conflict Detection and Resolution use case, showing also the 3 different interfaces that will be tested during the validation activities. The explainability for the task will be given through an innovative interface, following the experimental design of presenting a black box solution, a solution whose understanding will be helped through a heat-map and an additional explainability level given through storytelling.

After lunch, Ana Ferreira and Nicola Cavagnetto (DBL) presented and guided the discussion about the last refinements on the experimental design for both the use cases. The experimental conditions, the timings and the scenarios that will be used to validate the use cases are now defined, and the use cases ready to be tested. Then, Livia Camillo (DBL) showed the latest results about the Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation activities, assessing the actual status related to the target to reach. In general, ARTIMATION is following the path defined at the beginning of the project from all the points of view, that are scientific publications and conferences, social media, website.
Finally, the Project Coordinator Mobyen Uddin Ahmed detailed the next steps and actions towards and after the validation activities. The next General Assembly will be hosted by ENAC in Toulouse next November, to discuss the final analyses of the outcomes and to prepare for the last months of the project.