Half-year update
Featured outcome In Air Transportation Management domain, AI and ML algorithms have shown increasable interest. Different AI and ML algorithms are used to provide decision support in autonomous Decision Making tasks, e.g. optimizing traffic flows. The most problematic consequence of supporting ATCOs’ Decision Making with AI/ML algorithms is that most of the time these automated […]
First half-year Consortium Meeting

On the 23rd of June ARTIMATION attended its first half-year Consortium meeting. The meeting took place on Zoom and involved all ARTIMATION Consortium: Mälarden University (MDH) as project coordinator, ENAC – École National de l’Aviation Civile, Deep Blue, Sapienza University and members from EUROCONTROL as external advisory board. Starting from the definition of specifications and […]
About the project

Recently, Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have shown increasable interest in various application domains including in Air Transportation Management (ATM). Different AI in particular Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are used to provide decision support in autonomous decision-making tasks in the ATM domain e.g. predicting air transportation traffic and optimizing traffic flows. However, most of the time […]